Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Area! SEETA

       It's finally happened. After 7 months of the same area I have finally moved. This Wednesday I packed up and left Lira and I was moved to Seeta (kind of a subberb of Kampala). It's so crazy to be out of the village area now though, everything is so different in Seeta.
There's no mud huts, no one speaks Langi (they now all speak Luganda) and there is much less poverty as well. There are a lot more people in Seeta who have white collar jobs, like business or office work. But in Lira it was a lot more blue collar jobs (farmers, construction workers, etc). It's like I've been sent to serve in a completely new mission to be honest.
      This week has kind of been an adjustment for me, a new area, a new apartment, a new companion, and a new teaching pool. My new companion's name is Elder Thomo, from South Africa, Durbin. He's in his second transfer right now so he's fairly new to mission, but he's still carrying some MTC fire in him. The other two new elders in my district (and apartment) are Elder Morris (from Kenya) and Elder Latola (from South Africa), so for the first time on my mission I'm the only American In my apartment.
      The branch in Seeta works much differently than the branch in Lira. The branch in Lira had been open for less than a year so part of your duty as a missionary there was to make sure that the branch didn't go into apostasy (as in make sure that they're not teaching false doctrine, and that the auxiliary leaders are running their classes correctly). However in Seeta the branch has been open for about 7 or 8 years so the branch runs more or less as a branch should run. Seeta is also getting ready to open it's own chapel (right now were just meeting in a rented out house), it should be dedicated sometime in September or October, so if I'm around during that time that will be a big deal for the branch here.
       Thanks for all of your love and support. I feel your prayers and they uplift me, thank you, each of you.

Love Elder Grilliot

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Scott is doing so well. He sounds more like a high counselor than a missionary. Very mature. He is really growing in the gospel.
    Our prayers our with you.
    Bishop Swartz
