Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Monday, June 3, 2013

Q & A

Dad’s Questions:
1. Do you have a branch mission leader that you work with?  If so, does he understand his calling well, and is he helpful? 
2. How many Priesthood blessings have you given?
3. How often at church are you and your companion called on to bless or help pass the sacrament?  Or are there enough young men to do that?
4. Have you seen any tennis courts in Uganda?  Does anyone even play tennis there?  (If no, that might be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.)
5. Are there any national holidays or big celebration days in Uganda where everyone parties?  What are those like?

Elder Grilliot’s Answers:
1- Yes we do have a branch mission leader but he's still new in the church. He was baptized about 9 months ago and were still training him in how to magnify his calling. He does a
decent job, but he still has a lot to improve on.
2- I'm not sure how many blessings I've given on my mission, but it's been quite a few. You can't go three weeks without giving a blessing out here.
3- I have never had to bless/pass the sacrament on my mission yet. Lira has a very well organized Young men quorum. Also with  all of the recent converts who have the Aaronic priesthood there are always people around who are willing to bless/pass the sacrament if asked.
4- I have never seen a tennis court in Lira, but I saw one next to the mission office in Kampala, and I've heard that there's one in Entebe (where Elder Bitter is serving). But those are the only places I've heard of.
5- There aren't many national holidays in Uganda but when there are the entire mission has the missionaries go home early (around 4-6 pm). The reason why is because when it's a national holiday everyone gets super drunk and the streets can become dangerous. On New Years people in Kampala went home at 2pm and people in the Village (Lira, Gulu, Mbale, Busia, Masaka, Jinja, ect) went home at 5pm. It's more likely for people to begin rioting on holidays.

Mom’s Questions:
1-        What is one thing this week that helped you see the hand of the Lord in the work you are doing?
2-     Think of one thing that made you laugh this week and tell me about it (even if it’s just a little thing)
3-      One thing that you really like about your companion and that you have learned from him.
4-     “Best” trial you’ve had so far and what you’ve learned from that trial.
        I shall answer your questions.
1- I have seen the hand of the Lord in this work mostly by seeing how some people react to the spirit. When you teach with the spirit and you can tell that people feel it is always interesting to see how such people react to it. I've seen instances where people are willing to open up and tell you things about themselves that they never would have normally. I've seen times when people want to reject your message, but you can see that something is fighting inside of themselves to constrain them. I've seen the spirit make people want to do something even when they don't fully understand why. Honestly the spirit has a power to touch someone’s heart over, and over.
2- There's one missionary that I live with named Elder Benjamin who makes me laugh a lot. The country that he's from (Malawi) is a lot like South Africa or Zimbabwe, meaning that it's becoming somewhat developed (2nd world country). He likes to joke though that he's country is still back in the stone ages. He does it in a way that It's just awesome. He makes jokes like that the richest man in Malawi owns a bicycle, and socks, and that the entire country gathers together during one day in the year to watch the man with socks ride the bike because they have never seen anything like it before. Or that His trainer on mission had to teach him how to wear pants and shirts because when he was in Malawi all he used to wear was a loin cloth. He's just a funny guy.
3- The best thing that I've learned from my companion is diligence. Even when he doesn't want to work (which is most of the time) I've learned how to continue working despite him. Honestly he's been a very tough companion, because he came on a mission for the wrong reasons, and I think he's still trying to figure out why he's here.

4- The best trial that I've had so far is probably my current companion. He is pretty disobedient, and I feel that by being with him I've been forced to learn why I am here and how to be more obedient, and more diligent. I've been with my current companion for 2 transfers now and It's becoming more and more difficult to be with him these days. 

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