Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Elder Grilliot in Uganda

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

 This week has been a pretty nice one. I've been working hard and I feel like we are really preparing the souls of the people around us to have the restored gospel in their lives. Don't have a lot of words to share with you guys but they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So I'll just send a few thousand words attached to this email.


 pic. 1- The Mountain

pic 2- behind me you can see my whole area that I work in

pic 3- me and some waterfalls

pic 4- I was feeling lonely

pic 5- A little slice of heaven

pic 6- Some Ugandan Children

Yes I think that I got a package from Craig and Maria... It was either from them or from Grandma/ Grandpa Weber. I did get a letter from them too.
No I'm not homesick. I really love the missionary work and everything like that. I'm not trunky, missing the family and stuff. I will miss missionary work a lot when I'm finished. But receiving American food in a giant package is bound to remind you that living in a third world country for two years is not easy. I've never been homesick or trunky my whole mission. I just miss the luxuries of the first world. (Speaking of which do you guys still know if you are going to come down and visit Uganda at the end of my mission? My mission president wants to make sure that you are still planing on it so that he can get approval from the area seventy).
I really Like the area. We have a few things going well in our area right now. I also really enjoy the companion, He's a goofball (in a good way) and we get along really well.
It was only the Kampala Stake that saw David A. Bednar. About half the mission (those serving in Kampala) got to see him. The other half only got to hear stories of his power and authority. I was one of those unlucky missionaries that missed out of seeing him.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Got the Package and Working with Michael and Joseph

   I was sick again this week, had a bacteria called Shigella. Was pretty nasty for about 4 days, but I'm doing alright now. Shigella is kind of like salmonella a little bit. Other than that it's been a nice week. 
   We had a zone conference this week on Thursday. We had a lot of training opportunities, and it was a really nice experience to became extra motivated to do the work and to work hard and to work effectively. It was also pretty nice to get to meet with some other missionaries throughout the mission. 
   There are a few investigators that we have been working on this week who are doing really well. One of them is a pair of brothers named Michael and Joseph. They are in their 20's and are working as electricians. They are doing really well, reading the Book of Mormon and everything. We have only met them for about a week but they are progressing fairly well. Another guy that we are working on is Simon. We have been teaching him for close to 2 months now, and he has been super close to baptism for like three weeks but out of nowhere he has just been super busy over the last few weeks. he has been so busy we haven't been able to teach him the last few commandments to prepare him for baptism and to have him interviewed. Me being sick hasn't helped either. He has been still coming to church though luckily. And he is still reading the book of Mormon. This week we made him schedule time to meet with us (he had to cancel a few appointments at work and stuff) and I really feel that this week he will finally be baptized. 
   Nothing too exciting this week. At least nothing that I remember. But aside from the sickness it has been a good week.
Love you guys, stay strong. 9 more months

THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for the package that you sent!! I love the instant gravy mix. I love the taco mix. I love the sloppy joe mix. I love the Alfredo mix. I love the chocolate. I love the mashed potatoes. I love the cheeses. I love the Beef Jerky. I love the Pringles. I love the crystal light. But you know what thing I loved the most... I loved the letters and the pictures of my family. Love you guys. Have a great week.

P.S. I showed the pictures that you sent to me to the other missionaries in my district, and when they saw the pictures of me they were sore amazed at how fat I once was. I believe that you will also be sore amazed at how different I look now. I guess that's my funny story for the week. My companion didn't even recognise me in the pictures that you sent me.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Questions From Mom

Here are a few questions Mom asked this week in her e-mail:

-What happened in your week?
 I started training this week. My "Son" (as we call them) is from South Africa, and is a pretty big dude. He's funny though and likes to laugh a lot. He is adjusting quickly

-What happened on Friday, Saturday and Sunday? 
 I did missionary work! BOOM!

-What was a spiritual thing that happened last week?
We taught a really nice lesson to a guy named Simon this week as he is preparing for baptism. We taught the Word of wisdom and it was just a really well put together lesson.

-What was something funny that happened this last week?
 Not sure but I'll think of something next week for you.

-What do you eat on a regular basis for breakfast and lunch?
I have learned how to cook an Irish potato in very very very many ways...

-Did you see any animals this week?
Yes I saw a lot of birds, cows, chickens, goats, and pigs.

(sorry this is not very informative, but I have 15 seconds left to email)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Excited about Training Again in Lugazi

   This week has been going well. We have a few families that we have been teaching, that are progressing fairly well. And we should be having some baptisms over the next few weeks. The work in Lugazi is going well.
   We received transfer news today, and I am to be training again, beginning on Wednesday. I don't know anything about the new guy, but I'm excited to train again.
   Today for P-day we went to some waterfalls nearby Lugazi. We hiked up this trail that lead to some really cool water falls. I took some pictures as well, but I don't think that I'm going to upload them this week. The computers that we email from in Lugazi don't do well at sending pictures and stuff.
   I've been getting allot better at working out in the mornings recently. These days I go jogging every other day, and we try to run about a mile and a half. I've been feeling healthy and suave.

   Not much more to report, Love you guys, have a great week!